How Physical Education Creates Nexus between the Mind and Body

Education is a term that concerns people of every age group. Whether it be the students or the parents, quality education is a priority for all. However, there is one subject that has seen immense growth in recent years. It is none other than that of physical education, or PE. People often confuse this subject with sports class. However, there is much more to the physical education meaning than what meets the eye.

In this blog, we explore the various dimensions of this subject. Also, we discuss the importance of PE and how it finds its way into the curriculum. First, let us understand what makes this important.


Need and Importance of Physical Education in Schools

PE acts as the thread that connects the mind and body. Schools all over the world need it as the base on which the students are built. The subject plays a huge role in the all-round development of an individual. It adds another dimension to education than mere learning. Furthermore, this subject also helps in the development of certain healthy practices. Let us have a look at a few benefits of physical education:

  • It promotes the fun factor in the curriculum. Many students have something to look forward to as a source of enjoyment. Studies also suggest that in the initial classes, students enjoy outdoor classes the most;
  • Moreover, it pushes students towards a healthy lifestyle. They grasp the importance of physical and mental health vis-a-vis good grades. To put in simply, it teaches students that health is wealth;
  • It also helps them understand life skills. Additionally, it acts as a platform for inter-personal development;
  • The subject acts as an excellent medium for social development. Students understand the importance of roles and responsibilities. It nurtures them and helps them understand how to function as a team;
  • Physical education also makes children aware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. In the higher grades, this subject also covers mature topics like addiction, drug abuse, etc.
  • Students are also introduced to what can be termed as “taboo talks”. It provides them with a logical insight into sexual wellness and health;
  • Apart from these, it acts as a recreational activity. Students get a chance to vent their energy and learn at the same time.

Now that we have covered the umbrella benefits of the subject, we can proceed to specifics. In the next section, we will explore the health benefits of physical education.


Intertwining Health and Physical Education

One of the key benefits of physical education is that it helps you maintain health. This includes both physical and mental health. Moreover, the health benefits are valid for all age groups. Let’s have a look at the health benefits that are directly linked to it.


Better Concentration

Better Concentration

The effects of good physical condition oscillate in the mind as well. An individual with a better physical condition is able to concentrate more and pay attention. This helps them develop an eye for details, and also do their tasks smartly. Moreover, it enhances their problem-solving skills. All in all, it contributes to better development and performance.


Lowers Risk of Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Lowers Risk of Stress

Since a person is able to divert their energy positively, this has quite an impact. Issues like stress, anxiety, and depression are pretty common among today’s youth. Its answer lies in optimum education on physical health. Since people are aware of the consequences and know the way to prevent it, it gives them a fighting chance. No matter the scenario, they are ready to tackle it head-on.


Confidence Boost

Confidence Boost

The very readiness to face difficulties head-on is enough to gain confidence. Moreover, PE impacts problem-solving acumen. With all the confidence they need under their belt, an individual has the strength to push forward.


Enhances Motor Skills

Enhances Motor Skills

We already covered the benefits of mental health. Now comes the point that deals with physical prowess. The human body relies on the muscles to do a majority of tasks, whether it be turning a page, writing, or carrying a suitcase. All these have immense use in the practical world. So getting people acquainted with the concept of physical education accords to social well-being.


Prevents Obesity

Prevents Obesity

A major concern, especially amongst children, is obesity. Having excess body fats is directly linked to an array of diseases. This is even a probable cause behind lifestyle-related issues, like high blood pressure and blood sugar. With the right guidance, this can be addressed in a healthy way. However, there is another side to this coin which we cover in the next point.

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Promotes Body Positivity

Promotes Body Positivity

Obesity causes many health issues, but what about the mental stress it leads to? Anyone who has been through this knows that the mental aspect outweighs the physical. However, its answer again lies in physical education.

The subject plays a huge role in the acceptance of one’s body oneself. This allows them the bandwidth to maintain their health by themselves. Apart from that, it creates a general awareness against body shaming.


Evolution of the Physical Education Curriculum

We can see the multi-faceted benefits of physical education. It was just a matter of time before it became a significant part of school curriculums. In this section, we cover how schools take into account physical education activities.


Stage 1 – Origin of PE

The origins can be traced back to 386 BC in ancient Greece. The great philosopher Plato introduced concepts, which can be linked to PE. Plato, himself an ardent sportsperson, felt that there is more to them than enjoyment. He was also of the idea that these benefits will help individuals grow and attain perfection.

He was right though as his curriculum did have a positive effect on the army. Students who were into sports turned out to be better soldiers and warriors. Those who lacked the same physical prowess were able to display better analytics and strategic competence.

The waves of this technique soon made rounds around the world. This, with time, led to the 2nd stage.


Stage 2 – Introduction of PE in the Military Training Regime

Somewhere around the 19th century of the modern world, the United States made this change. It was a time of turmoil, and the country was in need of capable soldiers. The army took a page out of ancient history and introduced PE in the military.

Eventually, there was significant legislation for the schooling system. This leads us to the final stage of the spectrum.


Stage 3 – PE in Schools

PE contributes a lot to an individual and society in general. This realization led to a broader perspective on the subject. Now, students get PE classes at a very young age to inculcate a healthy mindset.

Currently, it sits as an important part of the school curriculum, not just in the US but the world in general. Most schools also promote participation in sports activities. Furthermore, there are also a lot of scopes now for the introduction of Yoga, Calisthenics, meditation, etc. All these help institutions to ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to participate in an activity of their choice.


To conclude, physical education is an integral part of society. It promotes well-being and keeps the human body in peak condition. However, there is a very rich history underneath the surface, and it will develop over time.

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